I have a few names for this dish, and I claim no ownership to it. It is somewhat based on a Bittman recipe – Pasta with Anchovies and Arugula, and part based on..  “I need dinner, fast”.

So.. what here’s a rough recipe list:

  • pasta. 1/2 pound or so, any type you like really
  • 2 cloves garlic, chopped
  • broccoli (or other veggie you like to saute)
  • chicken tenders
  • parmesean cheese (and/or pecorino ideally)
  • crushed red pepper
  • rosemary, or other herbs
  • 2tbsp olive oil

What do we do with this stuff? Well first we pre-heat the oven to.. 350 or so. Next, toss the chicken with some oil and rosemary, or whatever herbs you like. Last time I used rosemary and it was awesome. As the chicken cooks, set a pot of water to boil for the pasta. Cook the chicken through – no more than 10 minutes. Watch out as it may spatter and smoke.

On one burner, begin heating your water. Boil your pasta as directed, but cook to about 80% of doneness (ie, if you have orecchiette needing 12 minutes, cook it for 9 or 10. Whatever comes before al dente. As the pasta cooks, heat oil in a *large* saute pan at medium heat. Once hot, add chopped garlic. Just as garlic becomes fragrant, but not browning, toss in your vegetable – I find broccoli does very well here, it sautes nicely and maintains its crunch.

Your chicken should be done by now – dice that up. As the pasta is faux-finishing (that 80%), save at least a cup of the pasta water. Drain pasta, add a good splash of water to the veggie saute.. and toss the pasta in. Stir it up, using the liquid to deglaze as needed. Toss in the chicken – and add more pasta water as needed. Throw some cheese in, keeping things saucy as with the pasta water. Mix up the pan till things firm up if they are not already. Once the ‘sauce’ is thick enough to coat, you are ready. Dump into dishes, top with more parm/pec and red pepper, and serve immediately.

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